simulated function Tick(float DeltaTime)
    // first call Super.Tick()
    if (Level.NetMode != NM_StandAlone)
        if (Role != ROLE_Authority)
    SprintSoundDuration -= DeltaTime;
    if (bSprinting)
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Sir 2cool himself
His PC
Sir 2cool's PC
MSN:kipkanarieolifantje at msn dot com
Email:jeroen at mysticgd dot com

Feel free to contact me, just don't send hate mail :)

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About me
I know you're not interested that I was born on the 6th of April in 1987 and that I live in the Netherlands, in a small town in the southern part.

Now perhaps a more interesting part, I've been working as a coder in my free time for Unreal Tournament (2003) modifications. My very first really big project was Defence Alliance. And now I'm working on Deathball. If you'd like to know more about those mods, just visit the projects page.

For those interested in my system specs here they are:
  • Intel Celeron 2,2 GHz (Thanks DavidM)
  • ECS P4S5A/DX+ Motherboard
  • GeForce FX 5200
  • 256 MB Ram, yeah it's not much, but I'm out of money ;)
For those interested in the languages I use:
  • UnrealScript
  • C++
  • Delphi
  • Clean(currently learning it)
For those interested in the food I like:
  • Lasagne
  • Greek food
  • Good ol' Dutch food, I wish I knew the english words for them
For those interested in what else I like to do: